If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000

Mandarin Reading Group

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney组织的中文读书分享会致力于在华人社群提升心理学知识和精神健康的基本概念。我们推荐和选择的书籍既有专业的学术书籍,也有应用类的实践的。读书会的带领者是曾在中国担任精神病学和心理学的教授、主任医师喻小念博士。

You will gain:

  • A comprehensive understanding of psychology, mental health, and well-being.
  • An insight into the mental processes of human beings.
  • Knowledge of various psychotherapeutic modalities and biological approaches.
  • Equip yourself with practical skills for maintaining healthy relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours, enhancing your daily interactions.
  • Be provided with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and esteemed professionals and be part of the Lifeline community.
  • Access to additional Lifeline activities.


  • 对心理学、精神卫生和安康(well-being)有全面的了解;
  • 了解人类的心智心理过程;
  • 了解不同的心理治疗流派和生物学/医学取向;
  • 掌握一定的人际关系技能,提升与家人、朋友、同事以及邻里的互动;
  • 有机会认识同好,联系有声望的专家,并成为Lifeline社团的一部分;
  • 加入其他Lifeline的活动

Learn more about the facilitator, Dr Yu Xiaonian. 读书会的带领者喻小念博士介绍


Dr. Yu is 1981-1988 Graduate from West China Union Medical School; 1995-2005 medical Doctor degree from Kyushu University on psychiatry/psychosomatic science and post-doctorate research in National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry in Japan; Head of Dept. of Psychiatry of Medical School of Nanchang University; Head of Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University; Head of Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine of Beijing Aviation General Hospital; Professor of Psychiatry of China Medical University. 




To participate in the Lifeline Reading Group, you need first enrol Everyday Counsellor Workshop to gain basic knowledge and skills. Once enrolled, even not yet trained, you will receive the invitation of the Reading Group. To enrol Everyday Counsellor, please click the button below.

参加读书分享会的前提是参加“日常咨询师”工作坊。一旦报名,您将会收到加入读书会的邀请。报名日常咨询师请扫码 QR code 或者进入页面