Stage 1: Three-month training course
Based on adult learning principles and experiential learning, this training course is delivered by Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney on behalf of Lifeline Australia RTO no. 88036.
The course consists of 11 consecutive group training sessions one evening per week for three hours from 6.30pm, and group training involves presentations, role plays and large and small group exercises.
In preparation for each week’s session, you will need to complete one to three hours of e-learning before the session.
Stage 2: Supervised and supported shifts
Training includes a minimum of four fully supervised and supported volunteer shifts of four hours on the phone within a period of two months.
This gives volunteers a chance to practise new skills and gain constructive feedback from an experienced mentor.
Successful completion of this stage leads to an invitation to Stage 3.
Stage 3: Independent shifts
The final stage of the training consists of independent volunteer shifts of four hours per fortnight on the phones in our phone room at Lifeline in Gordon.
You will be supported in your shift at all times by an In-Shift Supervisor.
Volunteers can choose from the following shifts:
6am to 10am, 10am to 2pm, 2pm to 6pm and 6pm to 10pm
Lifeline organises regular group supervision and support sessions and provides ongoing professional development opportunities.
Student Contribution Training Fee
The cost to Lifeline to train each volunteer Telephone Crisis Supporter is approximately $3500 and includes accreditation: Statement of Attainment for the qualification CHCSS00113 Crisis Support Skills Set in 3 Units of Competency.
The training contribution fee for volunteers is $750