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Lifeline Art Show North Sydney

The Lifeline Art Show North Sydney is an exciting new event hosted by Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney, coming in April 2025. The Art Show will present a unique opportunity for art lovers, collectors, and supporters to acquire exceptional pieces from a curated selection of works by talented local and emerging artists.


Held at the Fred Hutley Hall, North Sydney Council Chambers, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney

Opening Night: Thursday 3 April 2025, 6:00pm–9:00pm

General Exhibition: Friday 4 to Wednesday 9 April 2025, 11:00am–6:00pm daily

For all the details...

Opening night: 

Thursday 3 April 2025, 6:00pm–9:00pm.

You are warmly invited to the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney's Opening Event and Art Auction on Thursday 3 April 2025, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Fred Hutley Hall.

Tickets $25 - includes sparkling wine/beer/wine/soft drinks, supper and exhibition viewing.

Under 18 years of age, no charge.

As an Opening Night ticket holder, this is your exclusive opportunity to acquire extraordinary pieces of art before they become available to the public during the General Exhibition. 

A small number of the artworks will be chosen by Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney to be auctioned on the Opening Night.

Secure your tickets today and be part of a spectacular evening celebrating creativity and community.

General exhibition: 

Friday 4 to Wednesday 9 April 2025, 11:00am–6:00pm.

The Art Show General Exhibition will be open from Friday 4 April through Wednesday 9 April, 11am6pm each day
($5 entry donation). 

For public viewing and purchases, visit the Fred Hutley Hall (200 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060) to admire the incredible art works in person and make your selections. 

Know someone that might be interested? Share the poster!

Art sales: 

Friday 4 April 11:00am to Wednesday 9 April 6:00pm 2025. 

All artworks will be available to purchase online. Watch this space to view the gallery! 

Exhibiting artworks will be listed right here on the website and available for purchase online from Friday 4 to Wednesday 9 April.

This exciting online Art Gallery format opens the opportunity for art enthusiasts to browse and purchase to all Sydney-siders and beyond.

Whether it's from your phone, tablet or computer - these master pieces can be yours with just a few clicks of a button. 

Art prizes: 

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney is proud to be awarding four Art Prizes, across three Artist Categories. All exhibiting artists in the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney 2025 will be in the running to win. 

Quest North Sydney Established Artist Prize $1500

Greenwood Hotel Emerging Artist Prize $1000

Lifeline Youth Artist (15–18 year olds) Prize $750

Lifeline People’s Choice Award $750
(announced at the end of the show) 



Art judge: 

The Art Prize winners will be judged and awarded by the renowned Sydney-based art dealer Damien Minton, who has worked in the industry since 1988 - starting out as the coordinator of the Bondi Pavilion Community Arts Centre Gallery.

With over 35 years of industry experience and expertise, Damien has worked for legendary art identities Ray Hughes and Frank Watters.

Transport and accessibility: 

Venue: Fred Hutley Hall, North Sydney Council Chambers (200 Miller Street, North Sydney 2060)

By metro: Hop on the Sydney Metro and alight at Victoria Cross Station. Use the Miller Street North exit directly across the road from Fred Hutley Hall. 

By train: North Sydney Station is approximately a 10-minute walk northbound on Miller Street to the Fred Hutley Hall. The station has accessible facilities. For more information, visit Sydney Trains website.

By bus: There are bus interchanges at Neutral Bay and North Sydney for buses to all areas of Sydney and beyond. For full details of timetables, stops and fares, visit Transport for NSW.

Driving and parking: Metered and unmetered parking is available in surrounding streets. Ridge Street car park is located next to Fred Hutley Hall (fees apply). Its clearance height is 2.1m.


There are two accessible parking spaces in Council’s visitor car park, enter from Kelrose Lane. If you have specific accessibility requirements, please contact North Sydney Council on 02 9936 8100 or via events@northsydney.nsw.gov.au

Proceeds and allocations: 

Supporting Artists, Supporting Lifeline.

By supporting the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney, you’re making a meaningful impact to both local artists and vital mental health services in your local area. 

Proceeds from the event will go towards opening a new Lifeline Crisis Centre in North Sydney, helping to expand essential mental health and crisis support services in our local community. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there an entry fee to attend?

There is an entry fee to attend the Opening Night ($25) and an entry fee for the General Exhibition ($5). All ticket sales support Lifeline's crisis support services. 

Do I need to book tickets in advance?

Tickets to the Opening Night can be purchased online here and General Exhibition tickets can be purchased at the door. 

Can I take the artwork home immediately?

No, Artworks can not be removed during the Exhibition. Sold works are to be collected from the Fred Hutley Hall on Thursday 10 April, 9:00am–6:00pm. 

Is there an option for delivery of purchased art?

Delivery options are available. Reach out to the Lifeline North Sydney Art Show Events Team at artshow@lifelineh2h.org.au for more details. 

What happens if the event is postponed or cancelled?

All exhibiting artists will be contacted directly should the event be cancelled or postponed. Please keep an eye on our social media for any important updates. 

When can I expect payment for my artworks that sold?

Payment for sold works of art is done via Direct Debit. Where bank details are received, payment terms will be within 7 to 21 days of the Art Show.

Who can I contact for more information? 

Reach out to the Lifeline North Sydney Art Show Events Team at artshow@lifelineh2h.org.au with any enquiries. 


Is there a theme for the artwork submissions? 

The Lifeline Art Show North Sydney does not have any particular theme, so the artworks can be about anything. 

Does my artwork submission need to be a certain medium or form? 

The Art Show is open to all artists, mediums, styles and experience. The art work can be in any form, watercolour, oil, sketches etc - as long as the entry is the original and unaided work of the entrant. From textile arts (e.g. quilting, embroidery) and sculpture to photography - any art medium can be submitted. 

Is there a size restriction on artwork submissions?

The maximum submission size is 2m x 2m.

Sponsorship opportunities: 

We invite the local business community to support Lifeline through a range of sponsorship opportunities that can be tailored to suit your organisation.

Proceeds from the event will go towards opening a new Lifeline Crisis Centre in North Sydney, helping to expand essential mental health and crisis support services in our local community.

Volunteering opportunities: 

We need your help! Slots are available during set up and pack down, and throughout the Art Show - ensuring the event runs smoothly from start to finish. Sign up today for this unique volunteering opportunity. 

Artwork submissions: 

Monday 3 February to Sunday 16 March 2025.

The Lifeline Art Show North Sydney is a fantastic way to celebrate and showcase the talent and creativity in our community - while supporting a good cause. 

Whether you're a seasoned exhibitor or a first-time participant, we welcome you to submit your work.

There are no restrictions on style or medium.

Submissions for this art show are NOW CLOSED as of 11pm on Sunday 16 March 2025. 

Artists are required to upload a good-quality photograph(s) of the artwork, as this photograph will be used when the artwork is made available for purchase online. Entry fees are charged per submitted artwork.

Who can I contact for more information or further assistance?

Reach out to the Lifeline North Sydney Art Show Events Team at artshow@lifelineh2h.org.au with any enquiries. 

Know an artist that might be interested? Share the poster!


How to submit your artwork: 

1) Please read the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney event details and terms and conditions


2) Please read the 'Submitting artworks through the Artist Portal' help page for a step-by-step guide to submitting.

3) Submit your artwork directly to the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney through the artist portal. 
Once an artwork has been submitted, you won't be able to make any further changes.

Artist portal link: www.artgalleria.com/portal/lifelineartshow

Thank you for your interest in applying to the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney 2025!

If you have any questions about the Lifeline Art Show North Sydney, please get in touch.

Email: artshow@lifelineh2h.org.au


In collaboration with


With thanks to our Sponsors




With thanks to our Supporters